Monday, October 29, 2012

Lovely Dailies

To know you are truly loved feels as though you are awake for the first time. Your footsteps feel different, your heart beats with more cause. I love you as well. All I know is I am insanely thankful for the smile you bring to my heart. Our time is precious and I promise to never take you for granted.

But you took me for granted in every manner. Retrospect is a funny thing.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wowsers. First off, let me just say this is the first time I have signed in since my last post. I now live in North Hollywood on my own. In a neighborhood that has changed me for the better. Moving at a pace that bettered my heart, mind, AND body. All negativity is out of my life. I made things this way and REFUSE to let anyone control my heart anymore. Reading over my past posts are an insane insight to how much I have really changed since I started this blog. I refuse to delete my old posts, for they are a great reminder of where I never want to be again. How I walk is even different. My life flows with such beauty and tempo that I can't help but smile all the time. For once in my life, I appreciate my chubby Native American-esque cheeks and they are appreciated by those around me. A life lost and a heart gained is the synopsis of this last year. I will never let you go and I will forever be thankful for the bit of light I saw in the darkness. Ive started to finally read my Catholicism for Dummies book. Im curious. I never knew a dog could make me feel complete, but Koopa has really brightened my life. I truly, whole heartedly believe that he saved me. I love him. Im 25 now, with only a glimpse of what I want for my future. I finally figured out what I want, above all else. Happiness. Im finally getting there and I can't even express the light feeling I have in my chest. This is all for now. I promise to be regular in the posts.

To all those you may come across this. Have a good night.
