Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Yes, your Grace.

What is it with me and my inconsistency in regards to Blogger?!haha Wow, looking at the date of my last post was a wave of emotions. So much has happened, again. I am now almost 27, in a few weeks, and without my beloved Koopa. My days are filled with pages, clouds, beats and veins. Coming and goings of things unknown. Faces I see everyday but still somehow mean nothing to me. Countless encounters of blind emotions. Hellos and Thank yous. Gold plated dreams in the land of fault lines. A constant aching, an ever changing disposition among the people that don't matter anything to the handshakes I repress. Standing in crowds swaying to the warm winds of the last days of summer. Reminded of the fact we aren't who we were yesterday and still new hope of tomorrow.

Today this is you to me....
A peeking sun ray between the blinds,
warming the leather you caress.
So much more than the blinks and smirks.
A heat so staunch, so calm, so intoxicating.
That down the block infatuation, wondering if life is pointing
you in a different direction type of King.
A soul graced with scars and wrinkles,
an occasional freckle on those cheeks of yours.
So kissable.
I don't know what it is about you, taking me out of my cool.
I don't mind, blindly needing to see that smile,
feel the pressure of every bite, every suckle.
Take me to the moon, I wanna be with the stars, said she.
I don't mind being lost in you.